Why is my cat doing this?! What Your Cat's Sleeping Status Means?!


Why is my cat doing this?!

BY: Mieshelle Nagelhchneider, Cat behaviorist, host of the TV show My cat from hell and author of scientific books on cat behavior, a talking cat.

1. Why does my cat lick me? 

Cats have a great social history, which includes grooming (ie licking) other cats. But this behavior does not only apply to other felines. Cats can tame other animals, such as the family dog. It is also not uncommon to see fashion trends dictated to people at home. Cats that live together form social groups, form different relationships with each other and take on different roles among themselves. 

This can also be true for the humans they live with. Your cat may think of himself as your guardian. This self-proclaimed duty may include keeping your sanity! Grooming is also common among cats. This is called grooming or allogrooming. Your cat can also connect with you when he licks!

2. Why does my cat lick and bite me?

What does it mean when your cat licks your hand several times and accidentally bites you? If your cat is a kitten, this is usually a normal playful behavior. this kind of playfulness is a natural part of their relationship development and is nothing to worry about. If your cat is older, he may be trying to beg to play. 

Cats are often playful with other cats, and 35% of the time social grooming results in a friendly bite from an opposing cat in hopes of more fights. If you've ever seen your cat poke another cat behind the ear and bite their neck, you've seen the beginnings of normal fear-fighting behavior. This is especially true if there are no other cats in the house. You can reciprocate by petting or brushing your cat, which can increase the relationship between you. 

3. Screaming with a cat toy in your mouth

Carrying a kitten in its mouth while purring or growling is a natural behavior common to cats. This behavior can happen at any time of the day, but you can see it more in the evening. This is when the moon comes out from behind the clouds and your cat's prey is there. 

Many cat owners are confused as to why their cat behaves this way and often believe that their cat "raises" the kitten like a baby, but that couldn't be further from the truth! Instead, your cat carries his "fun" in his mouth when he talks which means your cat is in full prey mode. Crying in the evening without carrying toys is a variation of this behavior. If you see this, you can buy a new cat toy.

4.Stared at the wall for no reason

Seeing a cat staring at a wall for an extended period of time for no apparent reason can be both fascinating and disturbing to cat owners. I think I've heard every possible theory about why cats act like this. There is always, at least for a cat, a logical reason for its behavior. Your cat sees, hears, or smells something that catches his attention and can activate his predatory drive. 

Cats really do have a sense of hearing and smell. Shadows or bright lights on the wall, bugs or dark spots that look like bugs, or mice in your walls are common reasons for this behavior. The sweetest feeling a cat can have is when they hear prey but don't see it. This activates the cat's desire circuit, which is in its brain's reward circuit. All the good brain chemicals start flowing, and it's one of the best feelings a cat can have.

5. Running out of the trash can at high speed

There can be many reasons why a cat escapes from its box like a thinking dragon is chasing it, but it is not usually something to worry about. In fact, this behavior is one of the most frequently asked questions by cat owners. If your box is placed in the corner of the bathroom or in a dark basement under the stairs, your cat's escape behavior may be for safety and to get out of there quickly to ensure you will live. Other cats are playful, swinging through the crate's balls, 

which can activate their fear behavior and get them out of the box. This is usually seen in cats and kittens under two years of age. If your cat is frustrated when cleaning or has pain when defecating, this may also cause him to leave the box more easily. If your litter box is dirty and needs to be changed or if you don't clean it once or twice a day, this can also cause the "Porta-Potty" effect (ie. application as possible).

6. Meow without explanation at night

Does your cat sometimes sit on the stairs at night and talk with their eyes? Maybe they wander from room to room at night, making noise for no reason. Many cat owners are surprised by this behavior. Again, you have their prey to thank for this. Cats are active, which means they want to have fun in the evening. 

Know that your cat is doing well in its environment when you see natural behavior like the one above. Most cats may need a little nudge from their owners to get their prey to work. Don't worry if your cat is not active at night, but provide different toys, cat tunnels, even free Amazon boxes, and play with your cat. Avoid monotony. Your cat's brain is designed to live in an environment that provides plenty of "soil" and "meat."

7. Place the cat toys in the food or water bowl

Placing cat toys in their food or water bowl is a natural behavior in cats. Cats tend to keep their "fun" from escaping. The next time you see a mouse stuffed in a bowl of water, don't worry. Putting a broken ball in their food bowl can also mean that the cat is doing the right thing for them: bringing "food" into the food area...........

What Your Cat's Sleeping Status Means

With an expanded tummy, what your cat's sleeping position reveals about its position and comfort level.

1. A loaf of bread

In the bread position (sitting with the paws tucked under the body), your cat is relaxed and comfortable in its surroundings, but maybe not in a deep sleep as it is ready for action at any time.

2. got together

Cats who sleep together appreciate the extra warmth and security.

3. Also extended

These cats are comfortable, content and relaxed. They don't feel afraid and love their home. 

4. Hide face

Cats who sleep with their faces covered are so comfortable and sleep well that they cover their faces unconsciously. 

5. High Age

Cats who sleep on their stomachs feel calm and trust their owners completely because they are willing to be vulnerable.

6. Half-open eyes

Cats usually sleep with their eyes open and their ears twitching to stay alert for potential threats and prey......................

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