How Do You Make an Indoor Cat Garden ?

Although cats, being carnivores, do not need green leaves, the famous veterinarian Dr. Nicholas Dodman suggests giving them catnip. It provides "nutrition and entertainment," he says, and cats may also like the texture and taste  think about it yourself to give your cat a field to graze on.

As Dr. Dodman, Dr. Nicky Joosting of Vancouver Feline Veterinary Housecall Service recommends that cats get fresh grass every day. If your cat is properly housed indoors, they will not have access to fresh green vegetables unless you give them to your cat. The good news is that growing your own indoor cat park is easy. The two most popular cat plants - catnip and catnip are easy to grow and provide both health and mental benefits to your cat.

Catnip is the only grain that is good for cats, like oats or wheat. Catnip massages provide roughage, helping your cat's digestive tract by moving indigestible substances such as hairballs.

Don't worry if your cat spits up catnip, says Dr. Dodman said. This is nothing to worry about.

Cats will be abused if catnip is introduced. "After 3 to 4 days, look for: 4 or more yellow, grainy stools per day, usually one after each meal. After about a month, babies weep less often and most can go a few days without drinking water. They seem to use it as a cleaning agent," said Dr. Joosting says.

Catnip also has a calming or psychoactive effect and can act as an environmental enhancer for stressed cats. Dr. Joosting recommends feeding cats that are "fur suckers" or biters. Ditto for cats with a penchant for hitting or attacking other houseplants. 

2..Catnip and how it works

When cats rub, sniff, or lick catnip, it triggers a euphoric response. The cause of this reaction is a volatile oil in the plant called nepetalactone. The oil binds to excitatory receptors in your cat's brain. But here's the problem: Only 70-80% of cats will react to the plant. 

3..An alternative to catnip

Every cat reacts differently to catnip. If your cat is angry or even aggressive, or is one of the 20 to 30 percent of cats that do not react at all, try again with catnip, like a plant silver grape or honey suckle. Silver vine leaves produce a mild euphoric response, causing a catnip-like reaction in many cats. Honeysuckle has properties that attract cats. Felines like to rub against branches, especially when they are wet.

4..Do this: Create a natural cat den

Dr. Joosting says that buying a honeysuckle or a silver vine that grows to form a "cat cave" can be the best thing you can do for your cat, especially if it is sunny. Color the area of ​​your house or balcony or protected area. These climbing plants are best outdoors and do well on a trellis or arbor. Both plants bloom in spring and summer and like full sun, but honeysuckle can do well in part sun.

 5... need

  • It dries up after two weeks, so plant several pots in one week for a continuous supply.

Buy seeds from a garden or pet store. Plant them a few hours before potting them into a 4 inch thick flower pot. Keep in a warm, sunny place. It will take about two weeks for the sprout to sprout and grow. Your cat can enjoy it for a few weeks before you have to pull out the remaining shoots and plant another seed. 

7..Don't you have a green thumb?

Buy your cat live, organic certified, ready to eat catnip delivered straight to your door from 

8...a cat

Well known for the "natural boost" it can give your cat, it's easy to grow catnip in your garden. You can gives yours cats refreshing or dried catnip.

"Cats will turn to it, bite it and eat new leaves," says Wim Vander Zalm, a gardener and best-selling author. A member of the mint family that likes moist soil and prefers full sun. You may want to consider temporarily covering this plant with a fence or barrier during the early stages of its growth to prevent your cat from eating it completely! Until it is established, you can protect the baby tree. "Don't be surprised if the cat nests there," laughs Dr Joosting.

Wim suggests growing it outside and bringing the stuff indoors to bring it fresh or dried. “In it, water can come out; he will do better outside,” he said.

How do I tell my cat is bored?

  • 1. Avoid treats that lead to hidden rewards, such as chicken nuggets

  • 2. Keep small cell phones out of reach in the room
  • 4. Leave the wings on the ground
  • 5. Get a ten gallon aquarium with a secure lid and fill it with goldfish
  • 6. Leave the curtains open
  • 7. Tell a piece of cheese on the windowsill
  • 8. Hide the catnip blade
  • 11. Encourage your cat to play with the "teaser" cat wand
  • 12. Leave a small jar of wheat
  • 13. Place the frozen product cube in its bowl of water
  • These are just a few benefits you can try: create some of your own and share them in the comments below or on social media!