How do I get my Jackson Galaxy to help my cat?

Get Your Mojo On: An Interview With Jackson Galaxy, Star Of Animal Planet's 'My Cat From Hell'

When my friends heard that I interviewed Jackson Galaxy, they wanted to know: "What is he really like?" I'm happy to tell you that the Jackson Galaxy we see in My Cat From Hell is one of the warmest and most sincere guys I've ever interviewed. 

Jackson's laid-back style made it seem like we've known each other for years, and his advice will help thousands of cat owners. With cat problems such as scratching, biting, or peeing inappropriately (the number one reason cats are abandoned or rehomed), most of us don't know where to start. 

But Jackson shares his thoughts on how we can become feline researchers to solve the problem and, in doing so, learn more about our cat's mojo, which makes them a happy owner and cat. 

This is a little embarrassing, but I have to say, one of the things my husband and I learned from watching your videos is how to play with our cats. My husband and I are like the guy you featured on the episode of My Cat From Hell. When you ask him to let you play with the cat, the man stands there holding a toy in front of his cat, waiting for the cat to start playing. My husband and I always thought our cats didn't like toys, but we had to learn how to 'play with cats.'

If a person is trying to solve a problem with their cat, how can they begin to find a solution? For example, if the cat is looking outside the box, is there anything the cat owner can do to try to find a solution to the problem?

First, go to the vet. Get your cat checked to make sure everything is fine and healthy. Don't stop there and drive yourself crazy with your cat trying to figure out what a peeing problem is when your cat raises a red flag and says in his own way, "Ouch, it hurts when I pee." color." So we'll get that out of the way first. 

Once you have done this, you need to remove it from your head and pee is random. Random state: It is a state of mind. "He sees everywhere", that's what you tell yourself and everyone will listen. But your cat doesn't look everywhere; he is talking to you. In the absence of language, the cat's urine or the place it sees tells you about its insecurity in its territory. So, forget that it's jealousy, that it's a lot of anger that your cat has against you, that it's not bad, you know it's a trap we fall into. 

Because we do not understand behavior, we choose this simple solution, which is to humanize the behavior of the cat. Once you realize it's not anger, you'll realize it's anxiety. One of the most important things you can do is record your experiences in a journal. No matter what kind of behavior problem you're dealing with, when you're writing a story, you'll be out of your mind and at your feline detective's place. 

Because when you write a novel, does the person say in their mind that this is some kind of experience?

Right, right, and it serves again; it takes you emotionally out of balance. If you're a researcher, then you're not biased: you're collecting information. You don't respond to the feeling: "Damn, my cat pees everywhere." Instead, you devote yourself to solving the problem. It is also difficult to solve problems that upset family members. So, writing a story is a mental exercise to get away from where you are, to get some "words" out of the way, right?

I can see why documenting is so important. It helps you remember. I don't remember what I ate for lunch or what I did yesterday, so I see what you're saying, if you look around at all the places your cat hangs out, you wonder , "Oh my God, the cat is peeing everywhere." if you write a journal every day, you look back and see, "Well, no, it's just pees near the door." »

But it's not just about where, it's about when (this is very important), and it's about "who" - meaning is it anyone's job? ? You keep a journal and do what I call a "treasure map." Anti-Treasure Cards: Use painter's tape, I think it's called blue, and put X's wherever your cat hangs out. 

The tape does not stick to the carpet; you don't have to worry about all this. Place these X's around the house and for each X, write a journal. And I promise you, after a week, I promise you, you'll look at it and say, "Oh my God, it's true!"

Then [his] detective work is… Is it another animal in the house or something outside? If your cat looks around the front door and under the window, this is a sign of a circle. It's your cat's almost annoying way of saying, 

This is my castle; This is my channel. Listen to the servants, who are at the gate. So, who is your cat talking to? Are there threats at home? No, it's an outside threat, because apparently there are cats in your neighborhood that are threatening your cat inside. He looks at the window and the door to send a message to strangers, saying: This is mine. »

These are the things you notice when you take your mind off of "Oh my God, the curtains, he peed on them." Instead, you are asking questions. As you can see in my show, half the work is cat behavior and the other half is human psychology. But it allows you to invest emotionally, and I think that's really important.

Addressing the human psychology side of the problem, many questions submitted by readers included the note: My cat is everywhere and my partner is very upset about it. 

Well, that's fair to say. Someone might say to me, I have a new boyfriend who moved in and now my cat is looking everywhere. So, first of all, yes, someone has entered the house and this person represents a territorial threat for the unprotected cat. Now let's get away from personal feelings, examine and ask questions. Does the cat ride on your boyfriend's shoe? Yes. So now we know what's going on, and instead of letting your boyfriend buy into the poison of telling you, "Your cash hates me, you know, 

I don't like your cat like that,you need to find way turn you little friend. enter into a positive presence and allow your cat to understand that this man is a good thing, not a threat. In my book, there is a section where I use the experience of learning to communicate with your cat to be an agent. Ambassador of America, where you are sitting across a bad country - and you do not know anything and how can you get to a place where you trust yourself? 

My process for building trust calls for a three-step process. At first, you introduce yourself in a completely non-threatening way for the cat, that is, by smell. Then you give them your own gift - I give them my glass ear - and the last thing you do is shake hands. Take a finger, let the cat smell it like it did with a glass or a pen, and bring the finger to the center and above the eye. Let him meet your finger with his head and push it until you make one smooth movement from the bridge of his nose to the center of the ear. 

It's a mutual hand gesture, like a handshake or a hug. There you have it: you are no longer strangers. If you want to solve a problem, you have to be an ambassador; you will be a researcher. You don't want to be a hot-headed, vengeful person. This is where you get nowhere.

 Yes, it's like learning how to communicate with people. If you want to be right, you can try to do the right thing. But if you want to solve the problem, you have to get rid of the feelings you've been building up

It's true. Money doesn't get you anywhere. By the way, many of the talks I've given across the country at cat mojo - the topics always change into what you've learned about your marriage from working with your cat, what you learn about other people and what you learn. . Find out what's wrong with your character while working with cats. 

It really is an attractive well. Because cats are involved in so many aspects of the human experience and are so apt at speculation, we can put all kinds of silliness on them. When you interpret this horoscope, it reveals a lot about you and your character flaws, strengths, and how you approach relationships.