How to Breaking the Cat Code Understanding Your Cat’s Behaviour

They say that dogs are man's best friend, but cats are the most loyal people! In fact, 60 percent of cats owner say they makes betters decision afters takings to their cats. However, understanding why cats behave the way they do and whether their needs are being met is a constant struggle. With education and a few simple tips, you can better understand your feline friends and answer some of your biggest questions when it comes to feline behavior.

1..Understanding Your Cat's Wild Cat Instinct:

Our animal friends never lived in the wild. However, the instincts they inherited from their wild African ancestors more than 10,000 years ago are still very much present, which explains some of their strange characteristics:

* Perching up: This helps the cat stay away from predators while keeping an eye on their surroundings and potential prey in the forest.

*Urinary markings: In the wild, cats use markings to mark their territory. This is common among domestic cats who share their homes with other animals. Be careful not to confuse local urine marks with litter box problems, which can be a sign of a health or environmental problem. 

* Hunting and scavenging: Cats do this even when they live in an environment where they are fed fresh food every day.

*Requires freshness: Cats do not eat old food or drink water that has been out for several days because their instincts tell them that the food or water may be full of bacteria. The same goes for litter boxes! For what? Because in the wild, predators follow cats by learning where their toilets are and if they smell bad, it's easy to find them. 

A happy cat is a healthy cat! In general, cats are playful, active and happy in nature. If your cat exhibits the following behaviors, you can be sure that he is comfortable and happy at home:

* Speech: If your cat talks and purrs and meows, he is happy and enjoys your company. Although in some cases, the cat in distress purrs.

* Tail Quiver: Wondering why your cat's tail stands up and wags as it greets you when you walk in the door? They are very happy and happy to see you!

* Breaking slowly:

3 ..Place your cats happy:

Notice the house, smoking, tired and others? Your cat may be unmotivated. Cats need mental and physical stimulation, so be sure to provide them with a stimulating environment, such as:

* A place to rest: Perches such as a cat tree or shelf can provide a physical barrier for cats, reducing stress. 

* Toys: interactive wands that you move and play with can help create a happier and more content cat.

* Catio: Create an outdoor space for your cat to roam without the dangers of being outdoors. Walking your cat on a leash is another great option.

If you notice a change in behavior or eating habits, take your cat to a veterinarian for an evaluation. Otherwise, an annual visit will suffice.

4...Realize the importance of litter boxes:

Every year, millions of cats are surrendered to shelters because of litter box problems. However, with a little patience and care, litter box problems are some of the easiest to solve. To help you raise happy, healthy, friendly cats, you need to create an environment that matches their natural instincts:

* Uncovered Litter Box: Many owners believe that cats prefer privacy so they have a covered litter box. However, by covering the box, you give your cat more ways to escape if he feels threatened, preventing him from urinating where he thinks he is. safe, like under your bed or under the dining room table.

*Smell grass: Cats are sensitive to smell and texture. Pioneer Pet Lightweight Clumping Litter stops smell on contact. It is 99% dust-free and weighs half as much as traditional waste, making it easy to find. 

* Number of Litter Boxes: Owners must have one box per cat plus one extra. For example, two cats need three boxes. Are you short on space? Many places exceed the number of boxes. 

* Number of lights: Contrary to popular belief, cats need light to see. Try to keep a night light near their crate and turn it on in the evening so they are comfortable and can access their crate easily. 

*Location of food and water: Cats prefer their food and water away from where they urinate and defecate. Make sure they are in separate spaces to avoid accidents.

* How often to change the litter box: Cats will end up covering their urine or stool after use if the box is not cleaned properly. It is recommended to wash the box 1-2 times a day, change it completely, and clean the box thoroughly every 30 days, which is tedious for many cat owners. 

Pioneer Pet Lightweight Clumping Litter clumps better than other litters on the market and its light weight makes the litter box easy to clean.