Why does my cat make so many different noises What thay mean?


Why does my cat make so many different noises What thay mean?

Think again. Your cat is really telling you about his world and how he feels about you. The good news is that if you listen carefully, you can begin to understand what your cat's sounds mean and use that understanding to your advantage. 

Read on to learn 12 cat sounds and what they mean.

After birds, cats have the loudest of all domestic animals. Although they are best known for their meows, purrs, hisses, and growls, the list of cat sounds they make often goes beyond that. Depending on the situation, your cat can say many different words, and many different variations of each, depending on their needs. Some express contentment and relief, while others express anxiety, fear, or even anger. However, all of these things indicate your cat's emotional state. 

Meow cat sound
Perhaps the most common cat vocalization, almost exclusively cats are used to speak to humans, not other cats. First given by kittens when they need their mother, this juvenile vocalization diminishes as the flying cat matures. And since domestic cats often think of themselves as our eternal children, 

They retain this charming voice throughout their lives. Typically, a meowing cat wants something: attention, food, or perhaps entry into the house. However, sometimes the meows serve as a "welcome home" 


Sometimes, a cat's meow can mean loneliness or even illness. Older cats often smile because of lack of attention or worry about not being as calm as they used to be. In young cats, the meow is often shortened to an interrogative "meow". when you are alone or hungry. And the frequency of meows is an indicator of the cat's mental state; Fast meows means hey, think of me, I'm talking here!

A long, subtle "meowww" may indicate concern, anger, or opposition to something. This type will often have a more aggressive attitude, almost saying "oh, come on". Incessant massage may indicate illness or injury; if you suspect this, consider a trip to the vet. 

A white cat

Perhaps the most beautiful and hypnotic cat sound, purring is a soft, deep, throaty sound, usually made when your cat is in the best mood. Gently feeding your cat while talking on your lap is a surefire way to get that car buzz of contentment. In rare cases, purring may occur when your cat is resting for something. 

It's like whistling or shaking as you wait for your in-laws to arrive for dinner. The main thing that determines the "anxious purr" is the situation; If your cat's ears are back and his body seems to be getting stronger, purring shows concern about something.

Chirps, trills and cat chirps

Learned from childhood, these bird words are little more than cat vocalizations rather than meows. Originally used by mothers to tell cats to be careful and follow her, your cat may bark trying to get your attention or encourage you to check on something she thinks is important. . Chirps and trills can also occur when the cat is happy and excited. cat cat

You may have heard your cat chattering its teeth while looking out the window at a sparrow or squirrel in a tree. Sometimes accompanied by growls, growls, or grunts, chattering is a cat noise that is considered a sign of cat hunger and stress due to lack of access. the award. Some say that the chatter is actually an imitated bird or mouse cry, but this is history because the hunting power of cats depends on silence and stealth.

Cat to grow

There is no doubting the purpose of cat scratching. Sounding like a hot steak on the grill, this cat noise means that your cat is scared and ready to fight if necessary. A big ugly dog ​​that is too friendly with your pet will make it look disgusting and maybe more. 

This threatening sound is accompanied by changes in the cat's body language, including a arched back, rusty hair, a wagging tail, perked ears and an open mouth, fists ready to strike. Spraying can also be caused by irritating sounds. When your cat takes this snake look, step back and do what you can to eliminate the threat.

Massage depends a lot on the mood and comfort of each cat. Some friendly, outgoing felines almost never whistle, while a more shy, reserved cat will start with it when not sure of this situation. Cats that have been abused, strayed, or strays are more likely to get into "its state" than well-adjusted, socialized pets......

Go meow

Unlike the happy and curious sound of the meow, the meow is long-lasting, and it is more persistent that indicates anxiety, discomfort, territorial concentration, or sexual problems. Meowing is often cat-to-cat communication; it can mean "I want to get married" or "I don't want you to come to my house". It can also happen when cats are not well, when their attention or cognitive function is declining, or when things in their environment (perhaps a new cat in the neighborhood) do not like them. 

Cats moving to new territory or moving into a new home may often regret their lost kittens. And some cats scream out of exhaustion. If your cat starts to howl incessantly, look for signs of illness; A visit to your veterinarian may be necessary. If it still hasn't changed, take care of it as soon as possible, especially if you let your cat outside. 

Be careful of any cats that may "invade" your cat's territory; In some cases, a stray or stray cat may need to be caught, leashed, and hopefully adopted into a suitable home. Make sure your cat has enough toys and gets enough attention from you. Sometimes, all it takes is one extra game a day to stop an attack.

Catwaul cat

Women talk in heat when they call potential mates, this kind of short, clear, and hollow meow almost has "ahh-roo-ugh?" the sound. During meowing, the unrequited female will do whatever she can to get out to meet the male cat, who will likely be running, screaming, and fighting for honor. .

Cat scream (aka the sound of a cat dying)

If the woman who has not been treated with the medicine is outside, her withdrawal will attract a man, after that, mating will take place. It will take the head down and back (called lordosis), while the male bites his neck and begins the mating process. When it is removed, it is clear that the man's testicles are close enough to cause pain in the woman, causing her to scream and bleed. Action here: 

keep your cat from dying!

A cat in the middle of a fight can also scream. These old cries usually come when long threatening cries often fall or suffer a great deal of pain or suffering. All cats can fight, although even animals that stand up will defend their territory. To avoid harming your cat, consider keeping it indoors. 

Growling, growling and other cat sounds

Ridicule is often accompanied by anger and randomness, often expressing fear, anger, or territorial threats. Unlike big cats, such as tigers and lions, domestic cats growl and growl loudly and can start or end with a meow. In general, just leave this cat alone unless it is in imminent danger from another cat. A young or young cat will have a body shape that protects itself: light fur, back, back ears, back tail. 

A discussion of cat breeds
Some cats are more talkative than others. As a general rule, short-haired cats tend to be more talkative and outgoing than long-haired felines. But if you are looking for a cat that talks well, consider some breeds from Asia. These include Abyssinian, Balinese-Javanese, Bengal, Burmese, Japanese Bobtail, Siamese, Sphynx, Ocicat, Oriental, Peterbald, Tonkinese and Turkish Van...............

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